La periferia dell'infinito

La periferia dell'infinito (THE OUTSKIRTS OF INFINITY) | 2016


A cui/l’uomo non pur, ma questo/globo ove l’uomo è nulla,/sconosciuto è del tutto”

“To whom, not only man, But this our globe, where man is nothing, is unknown”

Giacomo Leopardi


Are we alone in the Universe? Was the Wow! signal really false or did we miss something extraordinary? Awareness of the smallness of Man and Earth in the vastness of the cosmos and contact with a not-so-alien civilisation.


In 1983 Thomas and his colleague Kirk are doctoral students at the university and are conducting research into extraterrestrial signals following the path laid out by the SETI project. One evening, after months of waiting, a signal is picked up by the lab’s equipment, but it is too disturbed and incomplete to be deciphered. Thirty years later, in 2013, on the very night of the anniversary of that extraordinary yet ridiculed event by the faculty, when Thomas has retired to live in a small provincial observatory, a message, the same as then, is picked up by the equipment again.

Historical References

In 1977, NASA placed an ambitious message on board the Voyager 1 and 2 probes, a kind of time capsule, with the aim of communicating the history of our world to extraterrestrial life forms. Voyager’s message is engraved on the Golden Record, a 12-inch golden disc containing 115 images and recordings of natural and animal sounds, a selection of music from different geographical areas and eras, greetings in 55 languages spoken on Earth, and messages from US President Jimmy Carter and UN Secretary Waldheim.

Original soundtrack

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